Archery Lessons in Toronto

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Monday, December 15, 2014

Winter Archery in Canada

So you want to practice outdoors during the Winter eh? (Or in an Arctic or Sub-Arctic region?)

Well it is Canada, and it is freaking cold outside.

Thankfully there are some tips to practicing outdoors in the Winter. Read The Guide to Winter Archery in Toronto to learn more about the best techniques for practicing in the snow.

Also check out the Inuit bow below. Inuit bows are a type of composite bow made from antler, sinew and often use cable backing to make the bow even stronger than a normal composite bow. They end up being extremely powerful bows capable of taking down polar bears.

The Inuit are famed with their amazing aim too. Give them a bow, a rifle or even a rock and they can usually hit whatever you ask them to. Amazingly good shots.

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